Monday, February 1, 2021

Can CBD Oil Help Quitters?

A keynote study was conducted in 2013 by researchers at University

 College London, investigating the influence of inhaled CBD oil, if

 any, on the ability to help quitters succeed at quitting.


Two groups were formed, one which was given CBD oil in their

 inhalers and the second group, which received the placebo ethanol.


The main instruction to both groups was to use the inhaler whenever

 they got the urge to smoke.


At the end of the one week trial the CBD group had reduced their

 cigarette consumption by 40% while the placebo group had not

 reduced their smoking at all.


According to the researchers, “This is the first study, as far as we are

 aware, to demonstrate the impact of CBD on cigarette smoking. The

 reduction in smoking observed in this study was striking and

 occurred in the absence of other specific effects, notably on craving.


Given the pivotal role of craving in relapse, this is a potentially very

 encouraging finding, in that participants using the CBD inhaler

 reduced the number of cigarettes they smoked without increased

 craving for nicotine.”


The research study also demonstrated some holding up of this effect

 during the follow up. This is an encouraging finding. If a switch to

 CBD oil can cut down on cigarette consumption by providing a

 more healthful alternative, many users may finally be able to quit.

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Can CBD Oil Help Quitters?

A keynote study was conducted in 2013 by researchers at University  College London, investigating the influence of inhaled CBD oil, if  any...