Monday, February 1, 2021

Find Inner Light By Understanding Power

Power is a double edged sword that the ancients discussed and

 people of all times covet…but what is it really and why is it so

 seductive? What would a picture of this influential archetype…look

 like? Well I say that understanding power itself can help us get clear

 about where we are and who we are in life. Power is the ability to

 make changes.


What would we be like if we had all our power taken from us?


Do people who end up getting addicted have a deep fear of losing

 their power, and so they kind of “play” with that elusive power and

 then find it lodged in their substance of choice, so even if they lose

 it they can “find” it in their substance…which now has total power

 over them?


How much better a world where we were encouraged to discover

 why we play with the concepts we play with, because if we could do

 that how much more genuine control we would have in life!


By understanding power we would learn genuine respect for those

 powers we do have and those we lack as well.


By understanding power we would find it easier to manage ourselves

 because we would be working on values rather than the perceived

 need to escape from our own supposed powerlessness.


Think about it. Find your own inner light and you will no longer

 need to light up!


And if you would like some skilled compassionate phone coaching

 for yourself, please contact me at


1.      Albert Sooquaimeng says:

August 24, 2015 at 20:49

Great Task,

Pls. Include two points.

1.      Ask any smoker to role 10/- or 50/- even 100/- dollar note; treat them like cigerates….and smoke!
They will quit???

2.      Get the smoker child; Ask the parents :”Daddy, do you love me??? If so, stop burning away hard earn $$$ suppose to be my school or tuition fees for my University Education… “Show me your love, OK???”

Love from Albert sooquaimeng.


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 24, 2015 at 21:11

You know Albert it all makes sense to me. Except I already quit. For the ones who have not as yet…..they are still gripped in this unreasonable behavior which defies all logic.

Of course the kids will be mystified and until mom or dad quits they will be hurt too. The idea of Beautiful Quitters is to show that people who are addicted are really missing something, but when they begin to understand themselves and what they might still be missing the healing is already begun.

The next step is to get some vibrant health we have been missing out on and the rest is a benign circle. Quitters really do improve their whole lives and get their needs met better too ;=)
Thanks for the feedback and input, points well taken!


1.      bob Clatosays:

August 24, 2015 at 10:56

Makes alot of sense.

It is all a matter of a choice too.’
Great work on this site.


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 24, 2015 at 20:31

Dear Bob,
Choice is absolutely the hidden ingredient. Nothing really good happens to us without our full “participation” if you will. Suffering may be “with us” but we can ALWAYS “be with” the power of choice and choose wisely among a chaotic universe of alternatives. It is the meaning of maturing into wise adulthood, and it is also my own personal goal in life!
Thank you for the kind words and please stay around….things are growing here!


1.      Stevesays:

August 23, 2015 at 06:05

What a wonderful site. Having your own personal experience with quitting combined with the help and resources available to others makes this a very useful tool for anyone wishing to take that step to freedom. Thank you for creating this site and I’m sure with time it will have a great number of happy followers who are regaining control of their lives and not letting a substance control them.
All the best.


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 23, 2015 at 06:17

Thank you so much for that Steve!!
You are obviously very sincere and I feel the support ;=)
I know this will not be a quick journey but while I wait for some clients I will continue building up this site and hopefully instilling more confidence that this coaching is a great choice for quitters who want to be permanent non-smokers.
Thanks again and take care always,


1.      Sherriesays:

August 23, 2015 at 04:29

Excellent site, I commend you on this, especially with you helping others. Sherrie


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 23, 2015 at 04:38

Hi Sherrie,
Thank you for the feedback and approval! I take great pains to make a useful and engaging site and the great comments make it all worthwhile. Best to you always and thanks again…


1.      Marjoriesays:

August 9, 2015 at 06:53

Bewst video on addiction I have seen, very sobering, thank you.


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 13, 2015 at 09:28

Thank you Marjorie,
Doing this work is sobering for me too!
I appreciate your feedback.


1.      Marjoriesays:

August 9, 2015 at 05:59

I really love this Ted talk, he has all that right for sure.


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 13, 2015 at 09:29

I loved it too…thanks for the thanks! 

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