Monday, February 1, 2021

Sad Sobering Facts About Smoking


*If consumed orally there would be sufficient nicotine in as little as three to six cigarettes…to mortally poison an ordinary person.

*Of all the nauseating ingredients in your smokes, you are also ingesting a substance popularly known as whale vomit, an additive known scientifically as ambergris. And it does come from whales!

*You are slowly becoming radioactive as you smoke, ingesting both polonium and radioactive lead.

 Lead, radioactive or not, will lower your children’s IQ if they are anywhere around or about  smokingpeople on a long term basis and will damage their and your general nervous system.

*You are also breathing in hydrogen cyanide, a chemical made famous during certaingenocidal projects of WWII


*Urea is the prime constituent of urine and you are ingesting that too. It flavors your smooth smokes.


*Of the fifty-odd carcinogens in cigarette smoke, maybe 11 are proven people-killers.The rest could also be as toxic.


*If you quit, best do it before age 40. By that age you can still reduce your chance of related fatality…by 90%.

 *According to a 2012 study, low income New Yorkers spend around a quarter of their income on smokes.


*Remember the Yugoslavia War?  Michael Parenti thinks the goal of the Yugoslavia War was to further destroy one of the last remaining  commons-sharing societies. Well everything is privatized there today, and probably not accidentally, the highest per capita country for smoking…is now Serbia, with a tally of 2,861 cigarettes per person per year.


*There are 1.1 billion tobacco users in the world. This number is expected to increase to 1.6 billion over the next two decades. That would total maybe one person in less than seven…who smokes.


*In social costs, each cigarette package costs us on the average about $18.05 in the USA.


*As many of 50% of smokers end up dying from smoking-related causes.


*As little as 11% of the global population have any sort of societal encouragement to quit.

*Countries with a lack of any restriction on smoking promotion number around 38%.

*Low and middle income smokers represent about 80% of smokers worldwide.


*Benzene is a special killer among smokers, causing acute myeloid leukemia, and the majority of benzene exposure in the US comes from cigarette smoke.


*Tobacco-related deaths are predicted to reach the billion mark by the end of the century, barring more vigorous worldwide prevention efforts.


*Secondhand smoke is just as dangerous, or even worse than inhaled smoke, containing over 65 carcinogenic substances.


*Globally, around 20% of all teens under fifteen are smokers.


So if you don’t want to contribute to this sad grotesque state of affairs regarding those little  “coffin nails” please write me and if we can work together, I will help you.


1.      Jasonsays:

August 23, 2015 at 03:50

Hi Avera,

Its so good to see these posts. I particularly like this one that shows just how harmful smoking is to a person.
I often think, and I can say this a reformed smoker, that we try to kid ourselves that it’s not so bad, that it’s not too harmful and that all the media attention is just hype…but read this article and see every type of poison we were putting into our system. It’s hard to believe we would do it to ourselves!

I really hope younger people read this and realise how toxic this habit/addiction is. Sadly the statistics still show far too many of our youth taking up the habit. I doubt they would if they had this information.

Great post and my thanks


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 23, 2015 at 04:25

Hi Jason and thank you so much for the great feedback. Actually most of my readers are on the young side and I love seeing that. If you know any young smoker and send them my way maybe he/she will come to learn that there’s nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of, and everything to gain. When we realize why we smoke (and it is is always to fill some unmet important need) we will have enough compassion for ourselves and solid focus…to really succeed at the hard inner work of quitting.
Thanks again for your input. It means a great deal to me!


1.      Edward Mijarezsays:

August 21, 2015 at 08:04

Congratulations on quiting the habit of smoking cigarretts! Your intervention program through the use of a smoking coach is a good idea. There are many smokers that would benefit from this very unique idea…

Thank you,

Edward Mijarez


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 21, 2015 at 12:54

Please send them my way if you meet any people who might need my service ;=)
Thank you for your thumbs up and warm support.
Best to you always Ed,

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