Sunday, January 31, 2021

Addicts Are Escaping

 Addicts are escaping the violence of isolation.

Addicts are escaping a lot of things and one of them is the essential pointlessness of our own lives…if we have no meaningful contact with others.


A recent Guardian article focused on a victim, Steven Czifra, in solitary confinement in a prison,and described how he was forced to resort to violence and suicide attempts just to feel alive. How terrible!


The prison biz in America doesn’t understand what causes people to act badly in the first place because the administration and personnel there (and in other American institutions) are too busy suffering the effects of violence themselves, enabling themselves to then blindly abuse their charges…×9-a-virtual-experience-of-solitary-confinement 


Addictions can help us forget our own special imprisonment which might feel worse than the imprisonment of addiction. American violence is legion. The lies are always building up and breaking down and engendering more lies. No wonder there is so much denial. This violence the ARCH example of American addiction. We are seemingly nobody  if we are not wailing out on someone else on some level. Nobody seems to escape this.


Pretty much nobody is un-addicted in America and the root of all addiction is the violence of being treated either as somebody’s enemy or the violence of being invalidated or ignored altogether. This essential in-authentication of all of us, is really maddening, so we seem to be doing society a favor by merely becoming addicted to some pointless object, obsessed with the material stuff-and-nothingness of life ostensibly to make us feel more inviolate.


Because if we are nothing to worry about to society,  then there’s nothing of us for anyone to fear. But we’re still hurting and feeling empty of our true needs. So the next cigarette, or fix or obsessed dysfunctional attitude…


And it’s not about just boredom  although boredom always aggravates this.  I am referring to the terrible panic of  ever-encompassing NON EXISTENCE itself, like a slow-motion murder, but a murder of the person from the soul outward. Nothing is close to the pain of that. All truly lonely people know how that feels.


This is no soap opera, this is the central crisis of American life.   Underneath all the mad diversion and objectification and whatever passes for “self” preservation ritual and mad self-justification for our collective bad conscience, the great fear seems to be that there is ultimately nothing besides this eternal search for evidence that there is some ultimate meaning we just haven’t found yet.


This is national mass psychosis and will become planetary psychosis if it hasn’t yet. That is, unless we can recognize the central madness of our lives. We are nuts for escapism, divisiveness unto death and chasing emptiness covered by junk.


No wonder we are all addicted. The cry of pain is obliterated. Empathy becomes obliterated. The idea of a collective life, along with our embedded ecosystems, is murdered. Addiction and madness and personal and cultural suicide…are all that remain.


But we at Beautiful Quitters say there really is another way. I hope you can come to agree now or one day.

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