Sunday, January 31, 2021

Behavioral Damage, Biochemical Evidence, Behaviorial Healing

For decades researchers have been mapping the electrical and chemical circuits that underlie addiction. Now studies are searching for methods to heal the neurological pathways. Modern focus through imaging studies, for example show the brains of people actually rewiring themselves during addiction recovery. This is what I mean by behavioral healing.


With this knowledge plus what is being learned regardingadolescent cognitive and neurological development, the work could help investigators learn how addictive cognitive changes play out, and who might be most susceptible and the reasons for this.


In the experimental field, neural circuits are now being interfered with through fiber optic technology, and test animals are losing their interest in drugs and alcohol, for very long periods.


Similar work involving humans is underway. The idea is that the road to addictive healing involves changing the circuitry which has lead to the habit.


According to Professor George F Koob, there are 3 stages of addiction, (1) the first being the good-feeling-no-lie period; (2) the brain’s reward circuits have been activated, but gradually there is less tolerance for withdrawal, and finally (3) even untoward results are ignored as higher brain function to get someone addicted. Then finally it becomes necessary to use to just feel ok.


But long lasting can be the effects such altered circuitry, making quitting  very challenging. Social and environmental triggers are common. So says the psychologist Edith Sullivan, regarding the process leading to making more permanent the broken parts.



However I at Beautiful Quitters say that brain remodeling can and must occur with an active, holistic, self-nurturing nutritious lifestyle coupled with what I call “awareness exercises”.


This would be all aimed at an honest assessment of one’s life and present situation… healing yourself from within as you work holistically to become a non-smoker. Your new habits will sustain you.


So if you need a skilled compassionate personal quit-coach in your journey to supreme smoke-free health, please contact me today at:

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