Sunday, January 31, 2021

Why a Donations Only Service?

I thought about this for a long time and realized to try to make Beautiful Quitters a “business” venture was sending a really wrong message.

There are too many barriers between people already…to add one more. Our radiant health is our birthright and as such, no one should try to make a business out of it.  People love to help each other take care of themselves anyway, don’t you agree?

So that settled it for me. But if you find yourself particularly happy that you no longer have to spend a hundred dollars or so…on a few days’ worth of cigarettes, please consider sending that my way for a while, so I can run this service and help a lot of people and get great people to help me at the right time.

And don’t forget, my Beautiful Quitters email is always:

1.      Eternal Sunshinesays:

August 23, 2015 at 17:15

First and foremost, I’ve not heard of a quit smoking coach via phone service, so this is refreshing. Just as I was wondering how you might charge, I see that it’s a donations-only approach! A pay-it-forward concept. That’s wonderful. Keep up the good work, Beautiful Quitters!


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 23, 2015 at 18:01

Hello Sunshine!
Yes it is donations-only;=) The government has quit-lines too and it’s all free because everyone helps out with their taxes. Here you can donate to me or pay it forward yourself!
I appreciate that you appreciate the significance of this, it would be a better world if more of us did that, means a lot to me that you “get it”!

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