Sunday, January 31, 2021

China's Smoking Crisis Reflects Growth Model Flows


China is the greatest host of one of the world’s most critical pollution problems: tobacco, tobacco production and consumption.


Dr. Zhengming Chen and colleagues report the disturbing results that unless there is concerted and far reaching cessation and prevention efforts, smoking will cause about 20% of all adult male deaths in China during the 2010s, and the yearly number of deaths in China caused by tobacco will rise from about one million in 2010 to two million in 2030 and three million in 2050.


Indeed, the control of the smoking and tobacco crisis is urgent not only for the current health crisis in China but also the future general health of China and neighboring countries.


   China’s Smoking Crisis

Mounting use of tobacco products in China reflects the steep rise in discretionary income and suggests a continuing increase in smoking-related deaths and health problems. Smoking began to rise sharply among men in the 1960’s and by 1998 at least 2/3 of adult men smoked cigarettes.


But because the sharpest increase in smoking is still nevertheless fairly recent, and because serious health effects from smoking often take decades to emerge, mortality linked to smoking has not yet begun to make a great statistical impact.


And wellness pundits correctly predicted that the mortality rate  from lung cancer, emphysema and other smoking related diseases would rise noticeably around 2010, and they were right.  In 1960, tobacco use was calculated to have caused 13 percent of all deaths in men and 3 percent of deaths in women.


And now there is something really new in Beijing…a smoking app and hotline. Yes there really is and you can be photographed on the sly and fined the equivalent of $32 per occasion if you are caught smoking. Yikes!


But don’t forget, whatever your country of residence, if you would like a compassionate, skilled, donations-only telephone coach, please contact me anytime at


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