Sunday, January 31, 2021

What is Beautiful Quitters?

Well,  first of all I am not committing a grammatical snafu, heh!


Here’s my story. I am a nice interesting person just like you…who happened to smoke from the age of fifteen till age 39. But I really hated it at the same I thought I needed it. I tried to quit around four times I think…and all I know is that I failed.


What really sticks out in my mind is how one day I just became totally discouraged with the stress of trying to quit and then made that final mad scramble to the secret shelf, and then had another fast-breaking long, heavenly draw.


It felt good for a few minutes. Then I realized what that few minutes meant. And days later I was a smoker again. Nobody knew I quit and nobody knew I started again. That is not until I tried to quit for the fifth time, and this time with a phone-coach.


As usual I was trying to go cold turkey and getting crazy around the feeling of deprivation. So I frantically searched for the Yellow Pages and anyone in there who would help me. No regular therapists were available for on the spot help such as I needed. Then I tried the churches.


As I neared the bottom of the list I called another church which had just initiated a quit-smoking program and to my utter astonishment there was a phone coach right there who was willing and able to listen to me and hear what I was going through and offer me some support. The support was right over the phone!! No appointment, no paperwork, no red tape and no waiting!!!


I poured out my aching heart and guts and cried and hollered and wailed and it was all OK! The phone coach was there for me and she listened and stayed on the phone with me until I was a little bit better and then she said I could call again anytime I needed her.


So sure enough a few hours later I called again, and I was crazy again with withdrawal symptoms, and again she stayed with me and listened and said helpful words of support, and finally I was OK again, and said good bye.


The next few days and weeks were like that but slowly slowly slowly, I was beginning to get healed from my addiction. I hardly knew it was happening, except after a few weeks it was starting to become more tolerable between calls. And then before I knew it, about 6 weeks had gone by and I was starting to consider myself a non-smoker-in-process. But I kept calling, although less frequently.


My coach was wonderful, respectful, encouraging, sympathetic but positive I could succeed. Without her I NEVER could have stayed smoke-free! The whole thing ended about two months later, and I have never touched another cigarette since.


For maybe a year or two I craved it when I was near other smokers, but that feeling disappeared as well, and now the smell just makes me sick and I always move away from it.


And then I conceived the idea of Beautiful Quitters. I could do the same thing for others as that amazing coach did for me. When you call, your coach will answer and help you. There is no equipment or answering machine or waiting or bureaucracy.


You don’t have to tell another soul you have a coach. You will never talk to anyone BUT your coach. It’s all totally discreet, professional and over the phone between you and me, your Beautiful Quitters phone coach. If my service expands, I can hire other coaches but as of now it’s only me and my dream of helping.


And this is a service, not a business so if you become a Beautiful Quitter and love how you feel and how much money you are saving on your smokes, you can toss some greenbacks my way, but this is only voluntary. Scouts honor!!


Your first step is to decide you want to quit and you are not kidding yourself. Then just email me and we’ll take it from there. If you want to work with me you’ll get my special number to call when you need support. It’s that simple.


Meanwhile note my Beautiful Quitters email:

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