Monday, February 1, 2021

A Smoking Population Was a Deliberate Contrivance

A smoking population in the world was a deliberate contrivance. A world where every third

or forth person smokes…. didn’t just happen because people loved the taste or the effects

 so much.


The “public relations” master Edward Bernays in the early twentieth century encouraged

 women to start smoking by appealing to the supposed glamour and sexual allure of

 smoking. It worked.


Corporate attorney Louis Powell was invited onto the Supreme Court by Richard Nixon, to

 endorse and encourage the industry of Big Tobacco to increase profits and thereby the

 American Dream…through a new proliferation of smoking and smokers.


That worked too. 

Why would people have to be PURSUADED to smoke? 

Edward Bernays was a dark figure according to Noam Chomsky.   Related by blood to the

 family of Sigmund Freud, Bernays taught that in order for privileged people to wield power

 anywhere, coercive techniques were really unnecessary, ie: authoritarian coercive Prussian-

type schooling, corporal punishment and the like.


All that was really necessary was the right kind of product promotion, and by extension, the

 right kind of seductive techniques designed to get people to eschew their own volition

 regarding true choice making.


The age of advertising was born. The age of benign-manipulation is what we had for the last

 century or so but it is becoming increasingly less benign. Walk into any modern thumpa-

thumpa-glitter bar slash pizzeria and you’ll see what I mean about disappearing



But I digress... 

Whoever thinks choice is involved in modern advertising has been taken in.  These days

 whatever product you buy or are pretty much forced to buy, indicates that you have no

 choice. The fact that you are at all spending money this way is the town crier on this

 block.  And so what does that say about who we are as authentic people?


People will quit smoking when they realize they are victims of a deliberate brainwashing

 policy to dominate and control people. The object was and is not even to get them to buy

 one product over another (as it seemed to be in an earlier version of this modern trend)  but

 simply to BE the kind of “creature” that would willingly submit him/herself to such

 domination and control.


Early psychoanalysis was perhaps not after all a movement to “liberate” mankind from his

 inner enslavement. Maybe the ultimate purpose was to substitute that with the new,

 happier and more virulent kind of outer enslavement we  have now,  the kind that makes  us

 feel more “free” and “powerful”.  At least when I started smoking as a teenager, I was

 supposed to think doing so was a strike for freedom.


I never really bought it but then again I was hooked on the nails and increasingly powerless

 over it (and many things)  for the next 24 years!


Quit smoking if you want to feel really free. There’s lots of other stuff you could do but

 quitting the nails would be a great start!!

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