Monday, February 1, 2021

When Awakening This Morning

Here’s a thought snippet I just had when awakening this morning: When guys get hurt, they

 often stifle it, deny it and then hurt someone else. When women get hurt they too often

 blame themselves and then get hurt some more.  Please forgive me for seeming to

 stereotype complicated human reality!  It is just so hard in the middle of a confusing

 painful modern life we all must master, to find a clear vision to greater self-empowerment.

 But I am driven to keep getting better at doing just that.


My aim here at Beautiful Quitters is to do my part to liberate everyone to work on restoring

 our bodies, minds, spirits and then spread the healing around widely. We must discover

 valid reasons for our pain and then fight like there’s no tomorrow to feel beautiful in spite

 of our pain and then move on from there. 

We can really make a difference in forging a better world when we see how this

 fatalistically-wounded humanity is really such a scam. Freud wanted to cure neurosis into a

 “merely” normally-hurting mankind instead of an abnormally-suffering mankind. He didn’t

 go far enough though. He forgot to talk about how the quality of being “neurotic” can

 become the new quotidian “normal” to begin with.


I say we will always have enough sorrows to fill the world, this morning, tomorrow and

 always…but we also have to strive to reduce any self-imposed suffering in order to begin

 liberating ourselves to make a better world for others too. And there aren’t enough shrinks

 to begin to fill the bill so lets look for our saviors in our friends across the room or across

 the great divides.  We don’t have to suffer from this pervasive social isolation and

 fragmentation we all to some extent are feeling.

 Interesting that we have endless ways of hurting one another, but only two “parties” to

 choose from on election day

 and, if you ask me it’s mostly less than that. Why is one of the supposedly most powerful

 mechanisms for remediation of our social ills….such a parody of what is really

 needed, which is a frank addressing of each and every manifestation of our ghastly still-

gowingsocial/political/economic divisiveness? We need a frank hard addressing  of the

 roots of such myriad examples of such madness!

This insanity can stop if we can learn to see the divisiveness itself as the “enemy” we must

 all fight. It’s not even a paradigm of “elitist” against “populist” as  Constitutional lawyer

 Danny Sheehan  asserts in his modern politics course.


Instead I say it is presently kind of a cosmic battle between people who resort to more

 divisiveness to “solve” things (ie: to solve violence, we supposedly need more guns for

 tough guys versus the gunless wimps who supposedly don’t wanna solve violence and

 maybe SHOULD be victimized!??!!) AND people who know the false divisions and all

 dichotomies ultimately…are what will doom us unless…unless….


And so I say what is needed is more unity, but unity based on what we all have in common,

 including our need to be benignly unique from anyone else.   And it’s really much more

 than even that… our belief in freedom and responsibility and the primacy of the collective

 AND the individual together. It verges on a spiritual upwards “unicotomy”.  And I don’t

 mean a false “unity” and the disturbing kind of   concession-ism that (say) is always touted

 toward the end of our American presidential elections.


Rather we need the kind of wider human unity that represents a verifiable leap in human

 development. We are really all the same, hard as it is to feel this at times. We go crazy

 (outwardly or inwardly) when we get hurt enough. And MOST of us don’t know what to do

 at that point, and then what happens is we feel less able to stay authentic and original and

 constrained to sell out to prevailing paradigms of belief and thinking. We don’t WANT to

 “identify with the aggressor” but it happens as we give up our own ability to steer a sane

 and happy course through our own lives.


This is so dangerous for potentiality successful quitters of any self-destructive habit. Please

 take this all seriously for I know what I am talking about. There seem to be infinite ways

 for us to cut ourselves off from reality and one another, but the cure is simple.  There’s

 already way too much divisiveness in the world, and so far it hasn’t “worked” at any grand



Some may disagree, but I say it’s the general motive to higher self/other consciousness to

 which MOST religions inspire…that  may have been responsible for most psychic

 improvement in mankind. We only must remember that the social/economic/political

 “disease” that besets us all… is not NATURAL. I say we were born here on this one planet

 to make a happy conscious caring life a desideratum.


This animal and plant based planet didn’t need us but at the same time it couldn’t pave the

 way to greater communication and unity with other galaxies either. We might have to pave

 such a relationship and there’s no reason we shouldn’t want to.  After all if unity is the goal,

 where’s the limit, and why would anyone believe in a limit? We all deserve more beautiful

 awakenings every morning. after dreams of unity and a more humane tomorrow!

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