Sunday, January 31, 2021

About Me

I’m a nice normal interesting person from upstate NY who used to like nature walks and romping with my dog, and found that lighting up during a nature walk was really gross. But I did it anyway, until I became an ex-smoker and now I REALLY love it!! I found that breathing clean air was the greatest thing in the world. Something all (or most, some are in experimental labs) animals can take for granted, I could not.

Not at least, until I didn’t need my crutch anymore. And with me as your coach you too can do what I did. Become a Beautiful Quitter and you will also feel the beauty of being smoke-free, every day, forever!

I have a BA in Psychology and experience working with disabled youth and adults. I do floral design and CNA work. I adore my 6 cats and bouncy Besenji dog and try every day to make a more beautiful world in my little corner. I quit smoking before there were any quitlines and my true inspiration for Beautiful Quitters comes from those almost indescribable weeks after accidentally finding my coach.

And now about me and my service:  I am available to help you achieve the same miracle for yourself. All the years since quitting I have been working up to building this webpage. I have learned a great deal about human nature and addictions and what we all want in life. And I am greatly empowered by what I have learned. And now I’m ready to help you too.

So if you want to take a great step forward in maximizing your personal health by quitting smoking, contact me today at:

1.      Garysays:

September 12, 2015 at 04:06

What a great site and a great concept.

I used tobacco years ago when I had a very stressful job. Once I left that job, the desire left too. My brother still smokes about 2 packs a day. I worry for him because he’s tried so many times to quit. He’s 55 and has been smoking since he was about 13. Our sister just died of liver cancer. She was a smoker too. I hope my brother will see he needs to quit.

By the way, a woman who lives with six cats is a woman worthy of admiration. I live with slightly more than six kitties.


1.      Avera Yugensays:

September 12, 2015 at 04:12

I hope your brother can see this website and then contact me. You are very forthright to mention him and his situation… He would never have to say he was your brother, either. I don’t wanna embarrass anyone…just want to help out.

Aren’t cats the greatest for helping us relax?!
Best to you always Gary and thanks so much for writing in…


1.      Cheryl Ksays:

August 31, 2015 at 04:26

An interesting concept…I don’t smoke, but I appreciate how difficult it would be just trying to quit. I hope this business works well for you!


1.      Avera Yugensays:

September 1, 2015 at 01:41

Hi Cheryl,
Thank you so much for the good wishes and congratulations on being a non-smoker!


1.      jorunnsays:

August 29, 2015 at 03:06

Hello there Avera
You have a great site, and a lot of great content.
And this is coming from a smoker  But only the will to help others is an accomplishment in my eyes.
I on the other hand, going to light my cigarette and enjoy life today:)
Be extraordinary and have fun:)


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 29, 2015 at 03:30

Dear Jorunn,
Thank you for the nice feedback and honesty and don’t forget this site if you ever want some personal coaching. You never know what the future can bring!


1.      Lindonsays:

August 23, 2015 at 08:07

G’day Avera,
You asked me to come and have a look, so here Iam. The work you have put into this site is immense, and as an ex smoker I totally agree with all that you promote. The site is fantastic and with all the right content to help anybody quit smoking. My only advice is that it looks compact. I feel it needs to open up and let the pages breathe. Too much sort of happening on a page. The graphics and video are really good and well positioned in the content. On your home page your head shot could be made much larger to promote “you”. I know on my sites I got to a point where I was not happy, so I saved them. then went into the process of changing themes to give them more energy, and as they grow I will do it again. Your site is really exceptional and I can feel your passion in the pages. Sometimes it only takes a small change to make an exceptional site into something extra ordinary. I don’t need to wish you success, because I feel that it has started and will just continue to accelerate.
In light always,


1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 23, 2015 at 18:18

Wow! That was a very “professional appraisal Lindon! Thank you for that wise advice and yes I do feel constricted somehow…as if the whole screen should be larger somehow. Know what I mean? I feel sometimes this stuff should be written across the skies for petes sake!!
But until I can afford a monitor like that…..I will have to be satisfied with thanking you and of course I would love to try different themes, through WP. I have noticed however, that MANY of them (WP themes offered here) contain glitches that make it impossible to use them…stuff gets changed badly, left out, etc….and I don’t yet know enough about how to select more usable themes. This is definitely something I have planned to work on at some point though….
And thank you for that suburb encouragement. With people like you in my corner I feel very confident I will finally pick up a real client or two very soon ;=)
With all my best wishes to you too,


1.      Bliss Nadelasays:

July 23, 2015 at 04:24

Hi Avera!
You’ve got such a very outstanding content. Full of information and motivational videos. I am not a smoker though, but I found your site very educational. Hope you the best in life!


1.      Avera Yugensays:

July 23, 2015 at 19:08

Wow…opened the computer this morning and saw this awesome feedback to my site!
You are sooooo kind ;=)

I do work hard at this to be sure. I believe in talking about this stuff because I really think people are hungry for it.
Its not about what “I” can “get back”. It’s more about healing all around.
I try to stay positive and motivational and express what I hope I might hear other people also mulling over…
We all battle our own demons but I say they look more alike than different.
Thank you for caring to respond so warmly.



1.      Avera Yugensays:

August 13, 2015 at 09:36

Thank you too for all your hard work for a healthier world!


1.      Nuisays:

June 17, 2015 at 22:30

Hi there beautiful, I have to say in my era it was the advertised thing ( plastered everywhere Huge Billboards) and most major sporting events were sponsored by Tobacco company’s. Talk about subliminal mind programming. Although for me having a passion for sports I never really developed the habit. Yeah the odd puff at a party you know after to much drink Id have a puff. Makes me sick to think about it now though it was along time ago. Loved running around and swimming to much thank goodness. Interesting nun the less and extremely helpful. Well done. Thank you for sharing. Namaste. Nui.


1.      Avera Yugensays:

July 1, 2015 at 01:32

Hey Nui,
What beautiful generous words from you my friend. I really think the key is a motivation for better personal health. When that trumps all outside influence, we will really take the steps to boost our own well being and get free in all kinds of physical, emotional and spiritual ways!
Warmly, Avera

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