Personal Connection Really Helps Heal.
When I was able to quit I was astounded at how different this technique was from anything I had tried, and you have probably also tried many or most of them too: shaming, will power, gums, patches, motivation groups, hypnosis, special exercises, diets, and the latest one of all, vaporizers…and I can hear you now…..YEAH RIGHT!!
Well I don’t
have to be cynical otherwise I wouldn’t be typing these words right now.
Personal coaching is hands down the method of choice for anyone in the know.
If you want to
you can look up the research yourself. Just put in words like: “phone
coaching effectiveness smoking cessation” and then you will start to see the
truth too. In study after study the research shows that what people really need
is another person to be with them and take them through the hard hard VERY hard
but amazingly rewarding process of loving your nicotine-free bloodstream
and brain.
So that’s it.
Look it all up yourself if you want and you probably should. But I have
faith that you will find through your own experience that you can quit with me
as your coach because I also quit that way and I know how to help you too.
Our Needs Met Encourages Growth.
I know about
human nature as a B.A. level psychology person. The idea was to learn all about
ourselves and our motivations and why we get stuck on things in life.
And I found it all fascinating and helpful in understanding myself and my
world. It was really very important to me!
Then all through
my interesting and varied life, I learned more about what makes people
tick and what they really want beneath it all.
Most people want
and need pretty much the same things: a reason to be “here” at all, and
support when we are struggling, and a bit of appreciation and some kind
of feeling of belonging to someone or something.
We really prefer
to be comfortable rather than uncomfortable, and to say some like the comfort
of discomfort, well wink wink nod nod!
I say you are
not in that last category if you want to quit, because I PROMISE you the
comfort of being VASTLY healthier! Personal coaching will encourage you to
believe it too when you discover it truly is the missing link .
Please jot down
this email if you are at all interested in what I have said so far:
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